Pioneers of the Sun

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Movie Summary:
This video examines early efforts to utilize heliograph communications and solar energy in the state of Arizona and includes reenactments of their original uses. The heliograph was one of the first solar experiments in territorial Arizona. In the late 1880s, the U.S. Cavalry employed the heliograph during hostilities with native Americans. Solar developments in Arizona during early part of the 20th century are also explored, from the Eneas Engine and the Day & Night solar water heater to solar cookers and passive solar architecture. Pioneers Arthur Brown, John Yellot, Sherry Cole and Barbara Kerr are recognized for their contributions to solar development in Arizona and elsewhere.
Runtime is 4 minutes 3 seconds.
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- MPEG - Highest quality - 179 MB (Caution: very large file! Check that connection speed and disk space are adequate.)
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Video produced by the Arizona Department of Commerce Energy Office under a
grant from the Million Solar Roof program of the US Department of Energy.